Friday, December 19, 2014

FFVI – Part 48: Tectonic Shift

Summary: Our party reunites. Strago and Relm join permanently. I try desperately to ignore the implications of some of Edgar’s dialogue. Gestahl and Kefka reach the Warring Triad, and rip the landmass out from the esper world.


-The rest of the party that stayed in Vector arrives, except for Mog and Gau who are… somewhere? They were able to escape before Gestahl sprung his trap. This confirms to me that Kefka isn’t acting alone.

-And OF COURSE Edgar basically seduced the information about the trap out. Because he’s Edgar.

-Cyan is sad to hear of Leo’s death.

-Huzzah! Strago’s joining us permanently.


-She threatens to paint his portrait, and Locke, Strago and Terra start freaking out.

-I need Relm and Gau to team up in teasing Sabin like I need air. Yay! Relm’s coming!


-She understood what Edgar was saying about how he got the information, and called him “Lover-Boy” to rib him. Fine. He finds out she's 10 years old. She walks away, and he says to himself: “Here’s hoping you’re still aroud in eight years, kid.”

Big WTF directed both at Edgar and the game’s writers/translators. Especially when you combine this with Edgar’s joking promise to the little girl back in Figaro that he would marry her when she grew up. Just gonna kind of ignore this and slowly back away.


Finishing Up in Thamasa

-A new person is in town, Gungho. He’s a monster hunter Strago knows.

-He asks if Strago’s here to hunt “Hidon.” Hm. Apparently, Hidon was Strago’s holy grail of monster hunts in his younger days, but he was never successful. Hidon is in Ebot’s Rock, some sunken place.

-Gungho teases Strago for not killing Hidon. Well, it sounds like teasing at first, but comes off nastier. “You’re pathetic.” Like, that’s just mean.

-Interceptor’s just kind of wandering outside the burned house in Thamasa.

-Still not sure how Kefka just wiped out all those espers. Where’d he get all that power? He must have really gone to town draining espers at the factory.


The Blackjack

-Setzer found out the Imperials are headed for the Sealed Gate. Sounds to me like they found the Warring Triad.


Sealed Gate

-Gestahl and Kefka outside the now opened gate.

-Gestahl talks about all his dreams almost being fulfilled. As he walks away, Kefka laughs.

-Yeah. Pretty sure I’m not the only one who underestimated Kefka.


The Blackjack

-Terra senses Thamasa’s island crying out in some way. Earthquake?




-The island ripped apart! A huge chunk of the island broke off, and flew up into the air.

We even see people falling off the island into oblivion.


Floating Island

-We see Gestahl and Kefka on that floating island.

-I’m a bit confused. I thought they went through to the esper world. Or did they go to the esper world, find the Warring Triad, do ?something?, and then the esper world emerged? Somehow? Hm.

Best guess is that the esper world was another dimension, but that dimension was still physically underneath the mountains. When they did whatever to the Triad, the entire mountain surrounding the dimension must have ripped off.

-They’re with the Triad. Three statues in a triangle formation, with sparkly magic power floating in the middle.

-Gestahl seems preparing to wake them to take their power somehow.


Next time: Maybe let’s try to stop Kefka and Gestahl from yoinking absurd quantities of magic power?