Saturday, December 13, 2014

Nerd Fitness Academy - 12/13/14 Log

Finished the first week of planned meals!

Food Log

Breakfast: Two scrambled eggs, slice of sourdough bread, cup of chocolate milk. (520 cal)

Lunch: Chipotle burrito bowl. (900 cal)

Snack: Trail mix (590), frozen fruit (70). (660 cal)

Dinner: Baked tuna, rice, and vegetables. (520 cal)

Total: 2,600 calories


Quest Progress

-By eating about 500 calories fewer than my pre-NFA average for seven consecutive days, I completed"Nutrition: Level Up to Nerd Fitness Level Two."  The nomenclature is a bit deceptive.  Essentially, I completed level two and am ready to start level three.

-So!  What do I have to do to complete level three?  Two main things:

1) Completely swap out grains at breakfast for a more purely high protein breakfast.  Last week, I ate grains with 6/7 of my breakfasts.  I'll scale this back gradually over the next couple of months.

2) Eat mindfully much more often.  This means to "just eat," without gaming, watching TV, reading, etc.  I ate 21 meals last week, and none of them mindfully.  This will be tough.  I aim to eat more than half my meals mindfully before I graduate to the next nutrition level again.  This will take place over a few months.  I'll step up by one mindful meal per week.