Saturday, December 20, 2014

Nerd Fitness Academy - Week #2.5 Meal Plan

Staying around 2,700 calories has felt like a good balance so far.  I'll stay with that number this week.

I'm only doing a half-week here, because I want my meal planning weeks to start on Wednesday (payday).

Breakfast: Diner omelet with fruit. (800 cal)
Lunch: Sandwich with sourdough (280), ham (70), mayonnaise (40), and cheddar (100).  Cheez-its (130). (620 cal)
Snacks: Trail mix (280).  Iced skim caramel macchiato (130). (410 cal)
Dinner: Pasta (400) with vodka sauce (140). Frozen yogurt (200). (740 cal)
FLEX: 130 cal

Breakfast: Two scrambled eggs (180), Spam slice (180). Cup of chocolate milk (200).  Slice of sourdough. (680 cal)
Lunch: Microwave meal with slice of sourdough.  Cookie. (540 cal)
Snacks: Trail mix, frozen fruit.  Bottled frappuccino (180). (530 cal)
Dinner: Roast chicken with vinaigrette, mashed potatoes and vegetables.  Frozen yogurt. (730 cal)
FLEX: 220 cal

Breakfast: Three egg omelet (270) with cheddar (100).  Spam slice (180). (550 cal)
Lunch: Sandwich with sourdough (280), ham (70), mayonnaise (40), and cheddar (100).  Cheez-its (130). (620 cal)
Snacks: Trail mix, frozen fruit.  Bottled frappuccino. (180). (550 cal)
Dinner: Pasta (400) with vodka sauce (140). Frozen yogurt (200). (740 cal)
FLEX: 240 cal

Breakfast: Bagel with cream cheese. (440 cal)
Lunch: Chipotle burrito bowl. (900 cal)
Snacks: Hot chocolate (180), brownie (380). (560 cal)
Dinner: Roast chicken with vinaigrette, mashed potatoes and vegetables.  Frozen yogurt. (730 cal)
FLEX: 70 cal