Friday, December 19, 2014

Nerd Fitness Academy - 12/19/14 Log

No log yesterday.  I didn't binge in the sense that I would have meant a few weeks ago (which would have involved a pint of ice cream, large bag of chips and thing of dip, stuff like that).  I actually ate pretty moderately, and stayed around 2,900 calories likely.  Just did so mindlessly and off plan.

Solid recovery today.  Had a wonderful day today, the reason for which I'll probably write about tomorrow.


Breakfast: Two scrambled eggs, Spam slice.  Slice of sourdough. (500 cal)

Lunch: 6" meatball sub on wheat. (380 cal)

Snacks: Bottled frappuccino.  Fudge chunk. (400 cal)

Dinner: Diner fish fry with cup of clam chowder and mashed potatoes. (1,300 cal)

Total: 2,580 calories