Sunday, July 6, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 21: Eidolon Request Denied (Porom’s Tale)

Summary: Small session here, but it’s a natural break, so whatever. Our little party pushed through the Passage of the Eidolons to the border of the Feymarch. However, when we got there, Palom’s request to visit the Feymarch itself was denied. Back to the surface, and then time skip ahead for the next part.


Passage of the Eidolons

-Tougher mobs than before. Mortblossoms are annoying with their mass poison (“Blossom”) and Treants hit pretty hard. Liliths are super annoying with their retaliation “Slap” that can stun or silence.

-Gray Bombs, strangely enough, are not bad. They self-destruct and do damage to one of my party members, but this is only minor damage.

-Pretty standard dungeon path. A few secret passages and chests, but nothing too memorable.

-Hm. They get near the portal to the Feymarch and Rydia says, “The training ends here.”

She warns about the time synch issue, how Palom and Porom’s (or is it “Palom’s and Porom’s”?) friends will be way younger than them if they visit. Predictably, Palom doesn’t give a shit, and Porom appreciates the warning.

-I get the sense that my earlier concern may be in Rydia’s mind, that the Eidolons don’t generally like human visitors. Porom would probably be fine and respectful, but Palom might stir up some shit just by virtue of being Palom.

-Rydia: “Promise me you’ll wait here.” And we get an option to pick “Yes” or “No.” I pick “Yes.” Rydia hops into the Feymarch to check things out with the Eidolons. I wonder what would happen if I were to pick “No” instead, but I imagine that Rydia would just have not left us alone by the portal and that would’ve been the end of it right there.

-While she was down in the Feymarch – which took a while for her, but for us was just like 20 seconds – Palom and Porom discussed wtf might be happening. Palom thinks Rydia is flat out trolling them, and is annoyed that she took them down there at all with no intention to let them in. Porom thinks it’s more complicated, that Rydia is “testing their heart.”

-Rydia pops back out, and now seems pretty shaken up. Why? What happened to her down there? She says we can’t go in. Not much more explanation.

-Warp out, back to the surface.

-AHA!! Luca is a mechanical badass, and now Cid knows it from watching her fix the ship. This is where he takes her on as his apprentice.

-End of section! This must be a couple of years before the return of the second moon. I hope we get back to this later, and find out what Rydia learned when she went down there. I believe she was excited to take Palom and Porom to the Feymarch at first, and that she only decided later on that the scenario had changed.


Next time: we catch up with Porom in the present day.