Wednesday, July 2, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 7: My Fate is Sealed (Rydia’s Tale)

In this episode, my intrepid of party of Rydia the Summoner Who Doesn’t Summon Because Summons Are Shackled by Evil Moon Girl, Luca the Awesome Engineer, Chucky (Calca), and Bride of Chucky (Brina) traverse the nightmarish and overused Sealed Cave to retrieve the last remaining Dark Crystal. To the surprise of zero people, Evil Moon Girl steals it right as we’re about to leave the Sealed Cave.


-Woot! No trap door!

-Return of the empty and treasure chest-less rooms… still, I’ll take that trade-off any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

-Oh. Some doors are still traps I guess. Better than all doors.

-“Purple Baverois” is a pudding enemy. This game teaches me so much about dessert that I feel like I’m watching “Hannibal.”

-I hate the mobs here. Cat Siths with their “Blaster,” Liliths with their “Slap,” cave bat types with their “Bloodfeast.”

-At least Slap’s “Silence” effect doesn’t impact the abilities of Calca, Brina, or Luca.

-This party feels so weak. Brina’s a nice enough healer, and Luca can hit hard, but Calca’s “Jive” is often a waste, stuff like Stone Gaze or Sleeping Gas, and Rydia’s mana pool is limited enough that I have to melee with her often.

-Does TAY increase the random encounter rate, or does this cave just give me a bad random string?

-Demon Wall. Again. This is the third time. Bad and lazy job, developers.

-The magic heavy party I have now is awful against bats.



-Oh, that was a flashback to when he betrayed me in the base game.

-…and apparently a precursor to Evil Moon Girl swooping in to steal the last crystal!

-EVIL MOON GIRL: “The likes of you don’t deserve either the Eidolons or the Crystal.”

[Supernatural S5 spoilers] Guvf erzvaqf zr n ybg bs Yhpvsre'f srryvatf nobhg uhznavgl. Ur srryf gurl ner hajbegul bs Tbq'f tvsgf, rfcrpvnyyl pbzcnerq jvgu uvf fhcrevbe enpr (gur natryf).

-EVIL MOON GIRL: “These ridiculous toys. What a waste of time.” She says this after zapping Calca and Brina. On the one hand, YES. On the other hand, don’t insult the handiwork of Luca!


Next time: to the Overworld!