Wednesday, July 2, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 4: Misty Cave Hop

In this session, Ceodore and the Hooded Figure (“HF”) went through the (larger than before) Mist Cave, and then my mind is blown to smithereens as I see the scope this game really offers.


Mist Cave

-I see Namingway in the Mist Cave, but explicitly says he doesn’t do name changes anymore. “Visit me later.” Very interesting.

-Mindflayers are back! Those are the tentacle faces. I remember them from FFI, in the Marsh Cave I think. They were mini-bosses there and hard as fuck, but here they die easily. They are probably glass cannons who hit hard if I let them, but I killed them before they could strike me.

-The Tunneler is back as a boss!

CEO: Was that thing an inhabitant of the cave?
HF: I think so. This time at least.
CEO: Huh?


-So doesn’t this exchange confirm that HF was either in our party in Interlude that fought the Tunneler or at least watching closely? Kain wasn’t there. I’m even more sure this isn’t Kain.

-Soldiers surrounded us… and then the Mist saves us! RYDIA EX MACHINA? Not sure.

-WTF is a Thunder Dragon doing here?? I don’t think it’s a full moon. If Thunder Dragon is a random enemy encounter when the moon isn’t full, I’m kind of scared to see what the cave is like with a Full Moon.

-HF: There’s a man I’m after… Someone that I have to defeat, even if it costs me my own life.

KAIN???? Okay, now I’m super confused.

The End


Of this chapter.

It was called “After Years” as a main title and “Ceodore’s Tale: Last of the Red Wings” as only a subtitle because there are OTHER TALES. Like, lots of them. Porom’s Tale, Rydia’s Tale, SO MANY. So many.

And I can pick which I do from here.

I wonder how this’ll work. Like, will each work Ceodore into it in some way, or will all meet up in the same place afterwards? Will it be like Lord of the Rings, where it starts off as everyone’s tale, then splits off, then joins up at the end? Or will more individual paths open up?