Wednesday, July 2, 2014

FFIV – Part 8: Gotta Catch ‘Em All

After Kain’s sudden but inevitable betrayal, I went back to the surface and the Mysidians prayed a giant space ship out of the ocean for me. That was nice of them.

It’s at this point that the game seems to be off-rails a bit. I tried pushing on at first to the moon, where the plot told me to go, but got pretty well wrecked by basically everything. I wish I had done a bunch of side stuff before the Sealed Cave so that I would have a full party, but no such luck. I even tried running from fights to get FuSoYa and back to earth, but Babil destroyed me, so I went back to a previous pre-Moon save point to build my party up a bit. I was in my mid 30s at the time, between 34 and 37.

So with my little party of Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, and Edge, I went adventuring.

First stop was the Feymarch. Really cool zone, and not too tough. Glad I had “Float,” because of not just the poison but those arachnids that spammed Earthquake. I love the village of the Eidolons. All my desire from previous games to see monster civilizations and societies was at least given some life here. Beat Asura (I did remember the Reflect trick thankfully) and then Leviathan, who was tougher.

I have to give MAJOR credit to the game’s graphics for Edge’s Flood and Leviathan’s Tsunami. It is starting to get hot as heck here in Minnesota, and the graphics for those spells made me sad I wasn’t swimming in them. It looked really refreshing, and I’m not kidding. I mean, aside from the fact that the raw force of the spells would’ve killed me.

Since I got the Rat Tail in that city, I used it to complete my Excalibur. What the fuck is up with Rat Tails anyway? I don’t remember it from FFII or FFIII, but it was definitely used in FFI as proof of my worth to Bahamut, the token that proved I could grow from warrior to knight, mages to wizards, etc. What a weird and random token to carry over.

After that, I took out Odin in Baron. That was easier than I remember, especially given just the four of us. Edge’s Blitz and Rydia’s Ramuh fucked him up pretty good.


Then the Sylph Cave.

Okay, some mixed feelings here, but mostly good. I really enjoyed its layout. It was like a maze, a puzzle, that was enjoyable to explore. When I finally found the Sylph Stash in the very end, it was pretty satisfying.

The Bog Witch and Bog Toad mob packs were not too bad. They were annoying sometimes, but even when they “toaded” me fully they un-toaded me pretty soon after. They weren’t a real threat.

So what was a threat?


Yeah, those assholes from prior games. I think they were in FFII also, probably others. When I got ambushed by them, I was basically fucked. Not in a “Chaos-Knight-from-FFII-SoR” kind of way either. Those Chaos Knights would ambush me and just destroy me with massive and draining melee attacks. These Malboros instead cast Bad Breath (seriously) my characters, afflicting them with every condition available. If my Esuna-casters were Bad Breathed, game over. I mean, I could run and use a precious “Remedy,” but that was it. If my non-Esuna-casters were Bad Breathed, the best I could do was cast Esuna on them and then get Bad Breathed again and Esuna them and… Yeah. I won often, but it was a slog.


I heard there was new content in the game from FFII on SNES, aside from Interlude and After Years, but I haven’t found it yet.

Next up: FuSoYa and the Giant of Babil.