Wednesday, July 2, 2014

FFIV After Years – Part 9: Ninja, Master, Ruler, Spy (Edge’s Tale)

This was the introduction. No real combat this session, just setting up Edge’s tale. We see him ruling in his castle and his relationship with his four students. Then the main After Years story kicks in, the second moon returns, and he’s about to go out for some solo save-the-world time when his students offer to do the work in his place.


-Interesting start. It throws you immediately into combat, a fight against four named humans.

-Ah, it was training!

-And they all have portraits.

-All four seem to really like and respect Edge.

-And he’s still full of sass lol

-HERE COMES THE MOON (it’s alright… little darling…)

-“Edge’s Tale: the Pulse of Babil” = cool name for the tale

-Not sure if we’re back in the Interlude time, or if the seneschal is just trolling Edge by calling him “Young Highness”

-Another Challengingway in Eblan Castle (#3)

-Edge DID make his castle a bit like Lunar Ifrit’s maze from the Lunar Trials! This makes me unreasonably happy.

-His students really respect him, and he likes that they’re honest (even when it’s not all positive) with him. Great model for leadership. Who would’ve thunk it?

-AND NOW WE GET TO PICK A SCENARIO I LOVE THIS. It’s like one of those Russian dolls. First I picked the tale to play (Edge’s), and now I get to pick which of his students’ missions we do. Gekkou, Zangetsu, Izayoi, or Tsukinowa. I’ll just go down the list. Edge is going to be like Bosley, and his students will be his angels.

-Edge: King, Spymaster, Ninja


Next time: Gekkou’s mission