Sunday, September 6, 2015

FFVII Crisis Core – Part 63: The Way Opens

Summary: The path to the Goddess continues as Zack plumbs the Depths of Judgment.

Portal of Severance

-LOVELESS Act III. The escaped prisoner and his lover embark on a new journey of some sort:

“He is guided by the hope that the gift [of the Goddess, I assume] will bring bliss
And the oath that he swore to his friends

Though no oath is shared between the lovers,
In their hearts they know they will meet again.”

-Actually, it sounds like the Prisoner (Eddie Dean maybe??) departed with his love IN HIS HEART, not the lover herself. I’m not sure what this is all about yet.

-The area is artistically awesome. Not the crystalline cavern from before, but rather a mossy research-type area.


The Goddess Herself?

There’s an altar with seven sockets and a picture of a woman on it. I assume this is what the Goddess Materia is for. (I only have six currently.) And behind a prison cell is this Naaru-style light being. The goddess herself?

-I inserted the six Goddess Materia I have. I really hope I find the seventh.

-There’s an elevator, but it’s not here yet.

-That’s all the places I can go. I must have missed something, so I’ll explore further.


Lake of Oblivion

-Touched another crystal, and uncovered a beast like G Lucifero. This one is G Judecca. Lots of fairly negative Biblical connotations here.

-And another! G Ptolomea. Not sure why I didn’t get these last time.

Defeating the Gs.

I just got messages that the floating crystals were crystallized lifestream. Maybe it has to do with the order I hit them in? I have to imagine that killing all the crystal beasts will open the way across the chasm.

-These G monsters are agile little monkeys!

-The remaining crystals give me the same message as before. Hm. There are two left. I tried leaving and coming back, but it didn’t help. Grr. Can’t figure out what changed.


Howling Fang

-Let’s check here.

-Nothing new. Not seeing anything different.

-Only negative of this segment is the combat. It’s not frequent, but it’s super boring, repetitive, adds nothing, and serves only to stop me from exploring and thinking. The monsters were cool to fight the first few times. Not so much as I wander back and forth across the map trying to find what I’m missing.

I get into these scenarios where I’m exploring all the nooks and crannies of a room, and have to keep walking over the same encounter trigger spot over. And over. AND OVER. Or when I trip a random encounter, fight, but the combat dodging takes me back to the trip point making me fight the exact same fight just as soon as the encounter ends.

Early in the game, in the very first mission iirc, there were only a set number of enemies. Once you killed something, that was it. If they ever were to remake or reissue this game, I’d want them to implement that in EVERY dungeon, and just leave the optional missions for when you want to grind.


Lake of Oblivion

-Something new: I think I didn’t find the etching laying out the “LOVELESS” prologue before. Found it, clicked it, and came back to the Lake. Success! A crystal popped out “G Caina.”

-The last crystal broke. “G Antenora.” I’m really curious what will happen.

-AJKLFHAJKL AHA!!! How did I not see this before?

I assumed these crystalline monsters were just random clones or whatever, but they’re the ones that we see when we first looked into the clone tanks in Jenova’s room. Same monstrous, spikey, crystalline head. They’re Genesis clones, of course!

-I WAS RIGHT ABOUT A THING! Once G Antenora went down, a crystalline path formed to the section I couldn’t reach before.

The path coalesces.

-Oh. Good. It’s “The Cage of Binding.” I swear, this is straight out of a Lovecraft story. What eldritch terror awaits within the Cage of Binding?


Next: into the cage.