Sunday, September 20, 2015

FFVII Dirge of Cerberus – Part 1: Guns and Ammo

Summary: Where I get absolutely overwhelmed as I seems to enter a new genre of game. Intro and tutorial.

Things I Know About This Game

-It takes place somewhere in the timeline and world of Final Fantasy VII.

-It came out on the Playstation 2, the emulator for which (PCSX2) is a MASSIVE pain to set up. I’m crossing my fingers that I don’t lose large quantities of data because I press the wrong button.

-It is about a dirge.

-It features the three-headed guardian dog of the underworld, Cerberus.

-The dirge is specifically about Cerberus.

-Yeah, I got nothing.

-ON WE GO! [This’ll likely be rocky early as I try to configure the controls here.]


Intro Screen

-Grainier graphics than Crisis Core, but iirc PS2 might have come first. (I stopped following consoles after N64.)


-Super dramatic music.

-Dude in a cape.


-is that

-it’s Vincent?

-Crap’s blowing up! Shinra’s airdropping!

-Yuffie being awesome

-Fast paced music.

Random half-elf/half-Qunari looking person.

-so many people! Most of whom I don’t know, but I keep seeing Yuffie and Vincent. Is this a story about those two having adventures? That’d be kind of awesome. This would also be my first chance to meet or play with Vincent in game, since I didn’t get find in FFVII.

I renamed this image to “wtaf is this.”

-Vincent’s cape isn’t in great shape. A bit on the raggedy side.

“And so the hound weaves the final chapter in this tale of life.”

Uhhh what? Is Yuffie or Vincent “the hound?”

-Title screen! It has this weird split aesthetic where one side is light and one dark.

-The logo for Dirge of Cerberus looks a bit like something from the Castlevania series.


Tutorial – Session One
-There’s a tutorial option, which you bet your ass I’m doing. I think this may be the first game in the series to explicitly offer an optional tutorial, which leads me to believe the system may be a bit complicated.

-I’m playing in this as Vincent. Turks simulation. Oh, this game will be Turk!Vincent. Hm – I’m sure it’ll be great, but I’m surprised because I just finished up playing as a Shinra employee in Crisis Core. At least I have a better sense of the timeline though, with Vincent as a Turk.

-This music is great! Very chill and relaxed. Reminds me of Zero 7 very closely.

-First task is to follow a little beeper droid around, and already I see a bit what the game is like. This could be the overworld screen, but if not, this may be an action game in a similar style to Crisis Core. I have a gun icon and some other stuff, but I’ll try to take this piece by piece.

On the chase.

-Second task is to use my right joystick to follow the droid. I do pretty well! Yay! I’m winning!

-Putting it all together and moving with the left stick while cameraing (SHUT UP MICROSOFT, IT’S A WORD) with my right stick is… tricky. Through sheer force of will I keep up, but when I have enemies attacking this seems like it’ll be chaotic.

-Blue light = open door, red = closed. Makes sense.

-Neat map screen.

-WHEE! Double jump! I don’t think Zack got the fun of jumping. Will this be even MORE actiony (I reiterate: shut up, Microsoft, and take that squiggly red line mess out of here) than Crisis Core?

-And ladder climbing. More variety from Crisis Core.

-Ammo boxes are

-wait a second. Ammo boxes? Lots of types of ammo boxes? Is this a shooter? IS IT??

-My blood pressure is rising, and I’m freaking out a bit. I’ve never played a shooter in my life. Like, ever. …well, I think I might have played a game or two of Goldeneye against a friend back on N64. And Hexen on PC. And I got my ass handed to me each of those times like 15 years ago.

-I’m super nervous now. Another new genre. Wow. I could be misreading this though, so we’ll see. Take it easy, Coldrun.

-Crouch, roll, kick. (btw, Vincent is a lanky dude.)

-Something about combinations – like, Mortal Kombat style? It goes by a bit quick. I think if I jump and spam circle button I seem to hit a bunch of times.

-End of session one. That is an incredibly messy tutorial. I mean, it was well-designed enough, but I felt really overwhelmed by all the controls and kept mixing stuff up, despite the gradual introduction. Glad they have this kind of tutorial though. Wouldn’t have wanted to dive into the deep end with this.


Next time: shit looks like it’s going to get even MORE complicated with handgun stuff.