Monday, September 28, 2015

Coldrun Fitness - Day 65

Just a bad day.  Felt unsettled, hungry no matter what, and totally unfocused all day.  Binged at the end.

I'll be ok.  My plan as I sit here tonight is to try to get back on track with 2,400 calories tomorrow, and have two of the following three days cap at 2,000.



  • Cocoa Krispies with skim milk. (330 cal)
  • Salted nut roll. (240 cal)
  • 4oz burger with lettuce, tomato, mayo.  Fries with garlic mayo. (990 cal)
  • Bottled mocha frappuccino. (180 cal) 
  • Skittles. (250 cal) 
  • Chicken nuggets, fries, Kit Kat, pretzels. (1,240 cal)
Total calories: 3,230


Exercise: None.