Friday, September 25, 2015

FFVII Dirge of Cerberus – Part 4: Color War

Summary: Vincent [lol, wrote “Zack” before editing] has met the enemy, and he is us. And by “us” I mean some powerful color-themed enemies such as Azul and Rosso. Met Reeve/kitty.


-I seem to be in an administrative building of some kind.

-Maybe this is a school.

-It’s the Qunari!

-And orange eyes! “The protomateria. Tell us where it is.

-Some soldiers pour in for Vincent to kill.

Weiss = New Shinra-esque group maybe.

-Azul is his name. I’m saved by the bell as Orange Eyes faints and the cavalry arrives.


-lol. “Azul the Cerulean.” He reeeeally likes blue.

-Reeve is with “WRO.”





-He still has this bizarre jolly accent that didn’t at all fit what I expected.. Scottish? Strangely enough, Vincent seems to trust Cait Sith more than Reeve. But wasn’t Reeve just controlling Cait Sith from afar? Aren’t they the same? That means Reeve was controlling Cait Sith controlling Reeve… ow. And I guess Reeve just likes doing that voice.



-I hope the game eventually tells me what the split screen is about. It feels important.

-The music is hopefully martial.

-Cleared out some Weiss soldiers in the town square. I feel like I’m constantly at low health, unsure how to dodge.

-WRO = World Regenesis Organization. Uh… related to Genesis himself? Like, from Crisis Core? Probably not.

-A helpful member expositions that it’s designed by Reeve to help protect the world in the wake of Jenova’s shenanigans.

-Got to the boss, which is another Dragonfly copter. Or the same one maybe, since it’s already damaged.

-Combat feels so random right now. I’m sure it’s not, but I really don’t understand what’s going on. Am I hitting it right? Should I be dodging or taking cover? As is I’m just kind of running around mindlessly and shooting when my reticle turns red.

-It works, but I’ll try next time to take some more time to be intentional about my weapons and when to use each item. It’s a totally new genre. I can probably get by on button mashing, but it’ll be more fun and more efficient to use my noggin.

-In a cinematic far more epic than what I just did in combat, Vincent jumps from the church steeple onto the dragonfly and finishes it after having transformed.

-Reeve tells Vincent that while Kalm is safe now, Edge is under attack.

-Hey, I got a chapter grade/ranking!

-Interesting. I have the option of getting bonus xp or gil. I go with xp. All day.


Somewhere Else

WTF??? Some WRO soldiers just got sucked into what I can only describe as “the Void.”

-A new villain appears!

Again, y’all really like your colors. I look forward to meeting Verde the Kelly and Amarilla the Flaxen.

-She mentions something about the Deepground.

-Name jokes aside (and apparently pants aside too? Sorry, I just feel weird when games feel like they try to fanservice me by having female villains where as little as possible as the camera szooms right up on them.) she kicks ass. Teleports behind the WRO soldiers and executes them with her glaive scythe thingy.


Next time: Showdown in the Wastes.