Monday, September 14, 2015

Coldrun Fitness - Day 51

Morning: I tend to have decently big breakfasts and lunches and very small dinners.  Going to experiment with a smaller breakfast, big lunch, a snack in the afternoon and a medium dinner.  Let's see how that goes.


Afternoon: I felt very hungry in the morning, between 9-11am, but it was definitely doable.  I'm writing this section around 4:30pm, with about 500+ calories available for dinner.  Going to have some pasta and frozen yogurt in a couple of hours.


Evening: Ended up having Spam and toast instead of pasta, but met my calorie limit and feeling pretty good.


  • Frosted Flakes with skim milk. (290 cal)
  • Cheeseburger with mayo, lettuce, tomato, cheddar.  Fries with garlic mayo. (1,100)
  • Bottled mocha frappuccino. (180 cal)
  • Skittles. (250 cal)
  • Two slices of Spam with two slices of wheat toast, butter, and chocolate frozen yogurt. (600 cal)
Total calories: 2,420 cal


Exercise: None.