Tuesday, September 8, 2015

FFVII Crisis Core – Part 66: Cavern of Wonders

Summary: Did most of the Cavern of Wonders campaign. Touched a couple of other missions, but ultimately decided to move on to the final area.

Mission: Great Cavern of Wonders > Invitation to the Underground > Underground Caves (1/6)

-Next in the line of Yuffie missions.

-Hm. Maybe not, maybe just a more generic “protect Shinra’s science” stuff, but Yuffie’s last letter makes this “cave of wonder” thing seem related.

-No way Malboro wasn’t inspired by Lovecraftian monsters. No way.


Mission: Great Cavern of Wonders > Invitation to the Underground > Deeper into the Caves (2/6)

-Some dogs and mechs.

-I think I found a use for “Block.” Usually I dodge out of trouble, but the multistrike spin attacks seem to be better mitigated with block.


Mission: Great Cavern of Wonders > Invitation to the Underground > Marks of an Intruder (3/6)

-Final boss here is a Genesis clone named G Baldor. Not sure where that name comes from.


Mission: Great Cavern of Wonders > Invitation to the Underground > Genesis’ Interception (4/6)

-New Aerith DMW cutscene, where Zack talks with her about Zack feeling “at home” in the slums.

-Lol. I got to use the Genesis limit break on a Genesis clone. Strangely satisfying. Like, “See how YOU enjoy the pain your ceaseless LOVELESS quotes inflicts!”


Mission: Great Cavern of Wonders > Invitation to the Underground > Behind the Scenes (5/6)

-This one is “Hard.”A large map. Pretty soon, I’ll have to decide how “Hard” I want to push things, whether I want to try a “Hard” or even “Very Hard” campaign. Probably not, but we’ll see.

-YES! HAHA! I got an Exaflare DMW roll. It’s hard to describe how over the top and ridiculous it is, and I love it. Basically, golden Bahamut (Bahamut Fury maybe?) flies in space from some other galaxy, goes into warp drives, and comes to earth. He then charges up the moon with his golden spike things, turns it into a living laser beam, and BLOWS UP THE MOON in order to use its power to attack the enemies I’m fighting.

This is one of those I recommend checking out on YouTube.

-Fighting two G Paladins (Genesis clones that heal each other) is a long task.


Mission: Great Cavern of Wonders > Invitation to the Underground > Genesis’ Threat (6/6)

-I get absolutely wrecked here. A trio of walker mechs stunlocks me, not letting me get any attacks or heals off.

-Yeah, same thing even once I swap stuff up. Not fun, giving up.


Actually, I think I’m done. There’s a Yuffie campaign line that opened up which interests me, but the first mission is “Hard,” so nope. Beyond that? Nothing I’m especially interested in. Going to move onto the final boss.


Next time: Light of Doom.