Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blizzard - Week 3: The End is Now

A couple of Hearthstone legendaries, but mostly in WoW this week, setting out the parameters of my warrior.


Not much here this week.  Worked on a midrange hunter beast deck.  Pulled my first two legendaries from packs also, with Alexstraza and Lord Jaraxxus.


Diablo III

As with Hearthstone, not much here.  Logged onto the wizard a couple of times, but just pushed a bit more into Act III.


World of Warcraft

I feel more settled in what I want out of this.  I kept going back and forth - do I reroll again?  Do I stop?  Do I race to the top and get back into raiding?


Well, yes and no.  I found myself (AGAIN GRR) racing with my warrior.  Not even intentionally - just by habit.  Not reading flavor text, thinking "this would be easier at max, so I'll hit max."

Screw endgame.  Nothing magically changes at endgame, except that grouping with guildies and friends becomes easier (not an insignificant thing).  Final Fantasy will be my main game anyway.  Even once I've gotten through the single player games, I intend to stay in FFXIV for a while as I heard it's wonderful.

So let leveling be my endgame.  I set a few parameters:

1) When I can craft armor with blacksmithing, use that over better auction house and quest gear.  It's always satisfying to make my own stuff, even if it's slower and "worse."

2) Keep professions up to par.  Fishing, cooking, first aid, pet battling - I know, not a profession, but still - mining, blacksmithing.

3) Finish what I start.  When I start a zone, complete it, complete the quests and storylines therein.  I want to dive into the narrative of my character.

So there it is.  I got to level 13, joined a guild of folks 30 years and older which seems both appropriate and really friendly, and completed Durotar.  Next up is Northern Barrens.