Friday, October 31, 2014

Nerd Fitness Academy - Daily Log, 10/31/14

Been binging a lot, falling into old habits.  That's ok.  The last two months have been two steps forward, one step back, which is better than not moving forward at all.  It's not all or nothing.  I keep having to tell myself it's not all or nothing.

On we go.  Let's try for three steps forward this time.

An adjustment to my personal evolutionary quests (the ones like "Become a Fruit Eater" or "Become a Mover"): I will stop these quests after level two and reassess.  Once they're all done, I may decide to pick up level three of the quests, or level one of a different personal evolutionary quest.  I want to feel though like I finished something rather than that they're eternal.

I can always pick up the next level later.  When playing an MMO, if I drop a quest and want to pick it up later, I can do so.  I don't need to roll a new character, which is my tendency in these things.

Food Log

10:00am: English muffin with cream cheese. (210 cal)

11:15am: Erbert and Gerbert "Apollo" sandwich with cup of Minnesota wild rice soup. (900 cal)

1:30pm: Mixed candy (mini Whoppers, Laffy Taffy) (80 cal)

5:30pm: Fish fry with mashed potatoes.  New England clam chowder cup. Diet Coke. (1,600 cal)

7:00pm: Fritos. (120 cal)

10:00pm: Mixed berries. (50 cal)

Total: 2,960 calories


Quest Progress

-Ate breakfast mindfully for "Become a Focused Eater: Level Two."

-Walked for 15 minutes for "Fitness: Walk for 11 Minutes for 7 Consecutive Days" and "Become a Mover: Level Two."

-Ate fruit for "Become a Fruit Eater: Level Two."