Monday, October 20, 2014

Blizzard - Week 4: Patch Drop

Checking out the pre-"Warlords of Draenor" update and Ashenvale.  Happy Hallow's End!

Only really played a bit of "World of Warcraft" this week.  The pre-"Warlords" patch dropped, and it made the character models (including my orc, Coldrun) look SO much better.  It's strange to see Orgrimmar the way it used to be before Garrosh.  Regular guards instead of the fascist Kor'kron Elite.  And just generally quieter.

Quested a bit in Ashenvale, and leveled up my army of battle pets to 6.  Crafted almost a full suit of bronze armor from tin mined in Ashenvale and copper mined in Durotar.

Also did some Hallow's End quest.  World events are fun.  I have to remember to stop by Hearthstone to get that card back.