Wednesday, October 22, 2014

FFV – Part 54: Art and Music

Summary: New jobs. World exploration to find out what’s up with the pianos, which led us to Odin in the basement of Bal.



-Something erupted in the south.

-“Feels like time and space are twisting.” Poetic, Bartz.



-I’m not just saying I don’t know where this cave is; “???” is the actual name I see.

-Where is this?

-NEW JOBS!!! WOO HOO!!! Oracle, gladiator, cannoneer.

-A mysterious merchant pops in. Really? Oh, he’s an exposition dump, explaining the new jobs.

Oracle: Predicts stuff. It can backfire.
Gladiator: Weapon specialist with “finishers.” I guess these are things that do more damage to a monster below a certain percentage, but not sure.
Cannoneer: Can combine ammunition with other stuff.

-Let’s try Bartz on cannoneer, Krile on oracle, Faris on gladiator.

-LOL – Bartz’s cannoneer sprite.

He looks like he’s ready to fight off the redcoats.

-Faris’s gladiator looks badass.

-The cave we’re in has three doors and a switch. One door is where we came in, the switch doesn’t work, one toor is too dark to see inside, and one door is magically sealed. Um. Okay.


Under the Sea

-There are four blinking lights on the underwater map. I’ve been to three of them. One left.

-Oh, I was wrong. The one I thought was new is just the Great Sea Trench, where I got a tablet.



-The next step for me is probably the Rift, but I want to try solving this Piano thing first. Not sure which pianos I’ve missed or done. It’s possible this is impossible at this point, that the pianos I need were sucked into the Void, but I’m going to try.

KARNAK: Already done.

SURGATE: Really, game?

Really? Just… argh. No words. I hope Lone Wolf is a random encounter down the line so we can kill him and loot all this stuff.

No piano.

MOORE: Already done.

QUELB: No piano.

BAL: Krile’s wind drake is here, and rideable. Basement still locked. No piano.

JACHOL: Already done.

JACHOL CAVE: I’d forgotten to explore this cave earlier. And by “forgot,” I mean “really didn’t want to face Skull Eaters again.” But beating the Shield Dragon felt so good that it’s VENGEANCE TIME.


Jachol Cave

-Yes. Vengeance on the Skull Eaters. (Decent xp too, for 5 ABP per kill.)

Eat !Gaia, Skull Eaters. Mwa-ha-ha!





Bal – Basement

-Really long hallway. Builds tension well.

-The monsters here with petrify, “Objet d’Art,” give great xp but are still pretty nasty.

-Prediction: the boss here will be some uber-Objet d’Art, like a ginormous soldier statue or something.

-And I’m dead wrong. It’s ODIN! He’s gonna give us a one minute timer. Time to break out my highest damage group.

-Have I mentioned my hatred of timers?

-And beat him in under 30 seconds. Go team! Dualcast + Thundaga = dead Odin. Or rather, defeated Odin, since we get him as a summon now.


Next time: piano practice.