Wednesday, October 15, 2014

FFV – Part 48: Fork in the Road

Summary: Some town hopping, then Crescent and the Fork Towers. Our party splits and heads up each tower, the might tower and the magic tower. They face down two really nasty bosses at the top and eventually defeat them, winning the Flare and Holy spells.


-Quick stop in Bal for inn and supplies.

-Went to check out Istory Falls. There’s a cave nearby, but nowhere to land. Maybe I’ll have to get Boko to travel up the river.

-Found a tower in the south of a desert, but can’t land. It’s near a mountain (maybe this is Bahamut’s North Mountain?), but again, nowhere to land.

-Found Fork Tower, near a town.



-MID! Now I remember – he and Cid were in Catapult, not the library. Cid got trapped underneath with Fork Tower’s appearance.

-Old woman: “The tower of strength /is the one on the right. / Cast spells if you will. / Won’t help in the fight.”

-Other old woman: “The tower on the left / Is the magic path. / Even if you’ve got muscles, / Enemies just laugh.” I’m starting to see what the Fork Tower will involve.

-More dwarf rumors.


Fork Tower

-No. Way. Our party has to split. I love this mechanic.

-Ok. Left = magic, right = melee. Will try to wing heals as best I can. Sending Lenna and Krile left, Faris and Bartz right.


Left Tower

-Trying Krile as black mage with !Gaia to start and Lenna as a Mystic Knight with !Animal.

-Aaaaaand that was a bad choice.

Spoiler alert: not my only death this session.

Those things, even spellblade and !Gaia, kept provoking insta-kills. I swap to something more classically magicky. Krile as black mage with !Blue, and Lenna as time mage with !White.

-Success! Beat a pair of Tiny Mages without getting insta-gibbed.

-Lol. Got “Wonder Wand,” that casts random spells.


Right Tower

-Going with my power pair here. Faris as Ninja, Bartz as monk. No berserk though – with just the two of us, I want to be able to use potions. Shirahadori on Faris (a samurai passive to catch and stop enemy attacks) and !Mug on Bartz.

-Easy so far. Faris one-shots everything on the way up the tower.

-We reach the top. I know this has to be done simultaneously, though not sure how. I see the glowy magic essence thingy… one, two, three… take i! DOUBLE BOSS FIGHT TIME!


Right Tower Boss

-Hey! It’s Sekhmet’s brother, Minotaur.

-Ow. He killed Bartz. Whenever Faris Phoenix Downed him, the Minotaur immediately killed Bartz. And I died.

-Attempt #2: Gave them both Elven Mantles to help with evasion, and it really helps. I also make sure to heal up whenever he lands a hit.

MINOTAUR: “The power of holy magic. I think it’s time you tasted its might.” Uh oh.

-LOLOL! The Minotaur tries to cast Holy on us, and it fails because he doesn’t have enough MP. He fleets, and we get the spell.


Left Tower Boss

-Really cool looking boss! “Omniscient.”

Best. Robe. Ever.

-Force-feeding Krile ethers to keep her casting Firaga, but it’s not enough. His magic wipes us out eventually.

-Attempt #2: I think I’ll change… wait, what? Game crashed.

-Oh. Shit. No, it didn’t crash. There’s a hidden timer, and it ran out. Tried reloading the state a few times, but it turns out that if I try to make any changes to my party – including job changes, ability changes, or even just taking off that damned “Cursed Ring” – the towers explode.

-This is frustrating. I wanted to give Lenna some more pop with Summoner, and give them both Gold Hairpins to help with mana, but I’ll deal.



-Yeah, more deaths.

-Ok. Chill, Coldrun. Test stuff. We can do this.

-A few attempts later, I learn a few things. His damage ramps up hard near the end (soft enrage?), and Aeroga does way more damage to him than Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga. But his Flare keeps killing me right when I think I got him.

-FINALLY!!! HAHAHAHA YES!!! Krile spammed Aeroga, and Lenna kept Haste on her, Slow on the boss, and the coup de grace was putting Reflect on Krile to reflect the Flare/x-aga spells. Huzzah! We got Flare now.

-The Tower disappears, and we’re outside.


Next time: Not sure. I can either get the next tablet to open the Sealed Castle, or I can try for Bahamut.