Thursday, October 9, 2014

FFV – Part 43: When Worlds Collide

Summary: Our party heads north. We get temporarily stuck in an antlion den, but Faris catches up an saves us! We stumble across Ghido’s Cave to my surprise, before learning to my even greater surprise that the two worlds merged. Then Exdeath emerges from a splinter in Krile’s foot. The prior sentence is real.

Pirate Cove

-Quick stop in pirate cove, in case anything fun happens here.

Great. Now that song’s in my head. You are a pirate!

-Faris backstory! When she was picked up by the pirates as Sarisa, she couldn’t pronounce her own name. “Farifa.” Got shortened to Faris. Cool!


Castle Tycoon

-Dance is still going. Can’t reach Lenna or Faris.

-Not sure where to go now…



-Wandering north on Boko. He can cross rivers, which opens things up a bit.

-And the earth ate him.



-Tentacles? No, claw. I know where I’ve seen those before…

-I was right! It’s an antlion den. Krile and Bartz fight it off. Nowhere else to go in the cave, but we see a rope from above.

-LOL and whoever is holding the rope is fucking with us big time. They keep pulling it up before we can get it, even when Bartz jumps on Boko’s back to reach.

-It’s FARIS! She followed! And she’s pissed we tried to leave her behind (though it wasn’t really our fault).

I love Faris deeply.

-She wants to be a pirate more than a princess.

-Um. Krile just said she got a splinter, then is like, “Oh, nm, it’s nothing.” I don’t know what the deal is with the splinter, but there’s approximately a 0% chance it’s “nothing.”

-We continue wandering south a bit, and find another cave.


Ghido’s Cave

-There’s a bridge, and the map says “Ghido’s Cave.” Um. Ok. Can Ghido teleport, or is this a twin, or am I missing something?

-Up ahead is a turtle flipped on its shell. Bartz helps him up. It’s Ghido.

-GHIDO: “The shock of the two worlds merging sent everything topsy-turvy, including me.”

THAT’S WHAT EXDEATH WAS UP TO!!!! He merged the worlds somehow! This is feeling very “Death Gate Cycle”-ish. Bartz = Haplo?

This must be what Exdeath was referring to about bring things back to where they used to be. This must have been the world 1,000 years ago. So why’d it split?

-Oh. Lol. Bartz asks this very question like two seconds later.

-GHIDO: “To seal the Void.”

WHAT. I WAS KIDDING ABOUT LOVECRAFT AND TENTACLED HORRORS BEFORE. Now you’re introducing something called “The Void” into the FFV mythology? Y’all have no idea how excited I am about this. I love tentacle horrors and stuff about nothingness and void!

…you know what I mean.

-Ok, Ghido, lay that sweet exposition on me.

I’ll never tire of Ghido mocking Bartz.

He says that 1,000 years ago, Enuo, “the strongest evil,” existed. He controlled the Void. 12 legendary weapons defeated him (grrrr I smell Shield Dragons in my future), but the Void remained. The people split the crystals – hence the crystals in each world – and the world itself too.

The Void was sealed between the world. Oh God. That must be what’s opening over Tycoon. “The Void.”

-Krile again complaining about the splinter.

-Oh shit. Exdeath’s music blasts on.




Next time: Exdeath in Ghido’s Cave. Mwa-ha-ha!