Saturday, September 13, 2014

FFV – Part 19: Memory Lane in Lix

Summary: Lix. Bartz’s hometown. We get a bunch of flashbacks to kid Bartz here, and say hello to Cid and Mid beneath Crescent. We then fly back to Gohn, which proceeds to turn into a spaceship or something and fly up high above us.



This is definitely going to be the first game I get the soundtrack for.

-The townspeople know Bartz? It’s his hometown!! I’m psyched for some Bartz backstory.

-He seems well-liked.

A warm welcome.

-His childhood home has a bard living here. We click a music box on a table, and get a FLASHBACK!

He’s in bed, and his dad (Dorgann) tells his mom (STELLA!!) that he, Dorgann, has to leave.

Bartz isn’t asleep. “You’re leaving again, aren’t you?” Poor Bartz. Dorgann “gets bad guys.” A warrior or cop of some kind I guess. They then see Stella collapse…

Note: the sadness of Bartz seeing her collapse is countered by my amusement at Dorgann actually yelling, “STELLA!!!”

After the music box finishes its song and the flashback ends, the bard teaches us a Confuse song, “Alluring Air.”

-Bartz sees an old friend. FLASHBACK!

Kid Bartz and the friend playing hide and seek. Bartz hides on a roof. Day turns to night, crickets come out, and poor Bartz is still up on the roof. He’s not having nearly as much fun as James Taylor would have led him to believe. He’s freaking out. This is behind his fear of heights.


-Stella’s grave is in town.

-Got “Esuna” from the magic shop. WOOT WOOT.


Wandering the Overworld

-There’s a mountain. Have I been there?

-Yes. This is where I saved Hiryu.

-The airship can land on water and turn into a regular ship! Cool! But it can’t sail on rivers yet. Tried going up the river to Istory Falls, but no dice. Maybe I’ll get an FFI/II-style canoe at some point.

-Hm. Went everywhere I can think to go. Back to Crescent to see Cid and Mid.

-Where are they? Not seeing them in town…



-Found them. In the ruins beneath Crescent. Cid is excited to see these ruins: “Great googly-moogly!” LOLOL

-The map calls these ruins “Catapult.” Weird.

-But no, this isn’t the place to go. Cid and Mid are just running around with some flavor text.

-Where next? Let’s try Gohn, the Town of Ruin. Maybe I can pin down that thing that looked like King Tycoon. Hell, maybe it actually is King Tycoon, but I still think he’s actually dead because of his “use the force, Luke” moment when we first came upon the shattered remains of the wind crystal.


Flying Over Gohn

-As I approach Gohn, the ship starts to shake. This is the right place.






-“Town of Ruin” my ass.

-It’s just not on the map where it used to be. Because it’s a frigging spaceship.


Next time: back to Cid and Mid for advice on wtf just happened.