Sunday, September 28, 2014

Nerd Fitness Academy - Daily Food and Quest Log, 9/28/14


Food Log

9:15am: Omelet with American cheese, tomato, green pepper.  Half order of hashbrowns. (850 cal)

10:00am: Bottled mocha frappuccino. (180 cal)

12:00pm: Vitamin Water Zero. (0 cal)

4:30pm: 8" sub with roast beef, lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise, avocado spread.  Bag of barbecue chips.  Can of caffeine free diet Coke. (820 cal)

8:30pm: Pasta with tomato sauce and canned tuna mixed in. (800 cal)

Water through day: About 2 liters. 

Total: 2,650 calories


Quest Progress

-Onward with the calorie logging quests.  Logged calories under 3,000 for week three of "Nutrition: Growing into Nerd Fitness's Nutrition Level Two" and "Nutrition: Finish Your Food Log."

-No caffeine today.  Caffeine-free soda, Vitamin Water, and regular ol' water instead.  Started week three of "The Caffeine Challenge: Level One."

-I was going to walk for 7 minutes today.  It was after breakfast, and a stunningly beautiful day in the Twin Cities.  But then I saw the new "Happy Hearthstone" podcast came out and it was 1 hour 45 minutes.  So I walked for an hour!  Meandered mostly around streets, but took a 10 minute dip into the steep Mississippi River Valley before climbing out.

It felt great.  I'm excited for the autumn.

I just hope the excitement lasts.  Perhaps I should wish for something more likely.  How about this:

I hope that when the excitement stops, I'm able to find a way to push through and not collapse.  That would be plenty. 

Oh, and this quest pushed me to Level 5.  DING!

This walk completed two quests: "Fitness: Walk for 7 Minutes This Week" and the one-off quest, "Walk for 60 Minutes."

-Did two sets of my recruit workout today.  It was exhausting coupled with the hour walk earlier in the day, and I kind of overheated, but I had a big breakthrough.  I tried doing actual push-ups, and got five in!  HUZZAH!

Even three weeks ago I was physically unable to do any, so I'm pretty proud.

Starting up my next quest: "Fitness: Walk for 8 Minutes This Week."

-Another breakthrough: today was the first time I can remember when I looked forward to cooking.  It was just pasta, but it felt easier this time to get excited about food I prepared.  Pretty good feeling.  This started week four of "Become a Cooker: Level One."

-Drank 1+ liters of water, completing week one of "Become a Water Drinker: Level Two."